Winneba is Where the World Meets

Globalization. It’s a big concept that means a lot of things to different people. As technology, inventions and innovations have made travel and transport easier over the years, it’s only logical that bits and pieces from countries and cultures would scatter like seeds on the wind across the globe. And while the majority of the people in my community will likely never go far beyond West Africa, they are rather well versed in the world, through commodities and ephemera. Here are some of the things that make Winneba a global town.

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Winneba’s Brass Band Festival

Music is seemingly everywhere in Ghana. It’s rare to have a truly quiet moment outside of normal sleeping hours, and even normal sleeping hours don’t always stop the tunes from wafting through the neighborhood. There is a proud history and tradition of music in Ghana, particularly the homegrown genre of highlife, which is a fusion of 1950s jazz, swing and brass bands and traditional Ghanaian drumming, beats and guitar styles. But highlife wouldn’t exist without the influence of brass bands.

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